Science and Technology Group
Organisers: Carol & Derek Gatenby
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  Meeting   Below is the programme of recent events.

Date Subject Location
Tuesday 24th January Reviewing Science & Technology News from 2022 British Legion
Tuesday 28th February Electrical Energy Generation and Usage British Legion
Tuesday 28th March Could wind turbines be even greener? British Legion
Tuesday 25th April Visit to Lancashire Mining Museum Astley Green
Tuesday 28th November The Millenium Seed Bank British Legion
Tuesday 12th December Ultraprocessed foods - What is all the fuss about? British Legion
Tuesday 23rd January Reviewing Science & Technology News from 2023 British Legion
Tuesday 27th February Reviewing Science & Technology News from 2023 - continued British Legion
Tuesday 26th March Molecular Radiotherapy: Adventures in Nuclear Medicine. British Legion
Thursday 25th April Visit to Paradise Mill, Silk Museum Macclesfield
Tuesday 25th June Visit to Lion Salt Works Northwich
Tuesday 10th September Visit to Nuclear Power Station Heysham

There are Science & Technology pictures in the Photo Gallery - Click here



Science & Technology Group News

I have booked a slot to visit the Nuclear Power Stations at Heysham on Tuesday 10th September.  The target start time for the visit is 11.00am.

The visit consists of a guided tour of the site, a talk about how the site works and a look at the Visitor Centre.   Overall, the visit takes 2-3 hours.  The tour includes the reactor viewing gallery, the turbine hall and the control room viewing gallery.  All tours include a safety and security briefing, and relevant personal protective equipment.

The list of attendees is now closed because there is a prolonged period required for security checking.
